Angela Rye Speaks Her Truth At Truth Sayers- Speaker Series!

Written By: Paige K. Mitchell You may remember Angela Rye by her quotable commentary on television, being a strong Black woman activist, or how she uses her voice to influence people across the nation with her political & educated point of view. Politico, lawyer, political commentator, and self described empowermenteur, Angela Rye came to the stomping ground of ‘Black and Yellow’ to talk about the truth at the Truth Sayers Speaker Series At the August Wilson Center December 10, 2018. She is one of America’s most influential voices for positive change in the political process, while advocating for economic empowerment, civic engagement, and political involvement among young professionals. And Angela Rye herself came to spend time with people of Pittsburgh, PA. to drop gems and speak on several different powerful topics circulating about August Wilson, Harriett Tubman, Dr. Martin Luther King, and Angela Davis. If I could create a title for the evening it would be; ‘Where do we go from here?’ “Like Dr. King once said in his 1967 speech; having power is having the ability to achieve purpose,” Angela Rye said. “Chileeeeeeee [in Angela Rye’s voice] sometimes I feel like a caged bird with a microphone, but it’s important to use my voice to activate whatever changes I can,” Rye said. She’s a regular media commentator on CNN, political analyst, and podcast host. While Rye also dedicated much of her time to the recent campaign team of Andrew Gillium. “Andrew didn’t lose, what happened in the Florida region was a conspiracy. There is much criminal activity that goes on in politics. We are currently watching a criminal stand as the commander and Chief of our country,” Rye said. The event concluded with Q&A from the audience. Thank you Angela Rye for coming to Pittsburgh and continuing to enhance and educate our Black community. Students, professionals, leaders of the community gathered to hear the words of this wise woman. Brian Burley of Young Black Pittsburgh said, “Angela Rye is the epitome of BLACK GIRL MAGIC. That is all.”
Photo Credit:: Chancelor Humphrey